Happy New Year

Welcome to the year 2021. I hope you will continue to follow this blog this year.

I think it is customary to state one's resolutions for the year at the New Year, but I don't do that every year.
Because in a world where I don't know what's going to happen, I have to live with the situation from time to time.

I like the term "Kouunryusui".
kouunnryusui means
The word kouunnryusui refers to the flowing of clouds and water.

The term "Unsui" for a Zen monk is derived from the phrase "kouunryusi".
It can mean that you are not certain where you are going and where you are flowing to, or it can mean that you are living a natural life.
I have always longed for such a way of life.

The ideal is not to simply be swept along, but to live freely in the flow with a will.

In September, I'll be retiring completely from the company I worked for so long.
I will become a free man, free from the bonds of the company. In other words, this is the year when I will be closer to my ideal way of life, and I am looking forward to it.

I wish you all a very happy new year with lots to look forward to!
