Good Couple's Day

November 22nd is "Good Couple's Day" in Japanese.

There is no set definition of a newlywed, but it seems to be generally accepted that it is one to three years after marriage, so for me, I still feel like a newlywed.

Fortunately, we have never had a quarrel. According to a search on the Internet, 30% of couples don't fight, so it seems that we are not particularly unusual.

There are many different images of a good marriage, but for me, a good marriage is one where the couple is happy and living in harmony.
For a couple like us, who are married at different ages and of different nationalities, it is not surprising that we have some frictions when we live together since we were born and raised in different environments, times, and cultures.
When I think about it, it is probably because I know this that I am able to naturally respect my partner.

The secret to marital bliss may be all about the educational content received in the pre-marriage courses required for couples to obtain a wedding license at the Philippine City Hall.

Understand and respect that men and women have different interests and ways of thinking due to gender differences. Don't forget birthdays and wedding anniversaries (this is especially true for men). Say that you love them every day. Cherish the time you spend together, etc.

I think I have written about this before in this blog, but I think this pre-wedding course is a good system to introduce in Japan.
At least these teachings have been helpful to me.

Of course, a good marriage is something that you and your partner build together.
That is why I am grateful for my wife's presence in my life, which allows me to live a peaceful and happy life every day.
