There it is, there it is, the moon♪

Last night was the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the 15th night of Mid-Autumn, and the moon was beautifully round and full in the cloudless night sky.

The moon was clearly visible from our balcony as bellbirds and korogi gathered and sang.

The past few days have been cooler in the mornings and evenings, and when the wind blows a little, it feels chilly in short sleeves. Last night the weather was just right and it was a perfect day for moon viewing.
It was so beautiful and round that I took a picture of it. I couldn't get a good shot with my iPhone, so I pulled out my camera for the first time in a while and took a shot with the telephoto.

The eye-catcher is the moon I took last night.
I didn't put up any dumplings or silver grass, but I was able to enjoy the beautiful moon.
