First Time Buying Philippine Stocks

I opened an account with AB Captal Securities and can finally buy and sell stocks.
Basically, my policy is to hold the stocks I buy for a certain length of time, and I do not intend to buy and sell frequently.
So, I plan to buy a few shares of companies that will grow in the future and pay a decent amount of dividends.

The Philippines is in a period of economic growth, so there are quite a few companies with growth potential.
Among those companies, I chose San Miguel. If you have ever been to the Philippines, I don't think there is anyone who has not heard of San Miguel Beer.

This company is not only a beer producer, but has recently been active in infrastructure, including power, highway and airport construction. It is also one of the overall index stocks of Philippine equities. With Kirin Beer taking a stake in the company, there will be stable growth in the future.

However, the amount of my investment is only about pocket money. Therefore, it is a dream come true for me to make a huge profit in the stock market.
According to some people, it is best for ordinary people, except for traders and those who are in the business of buying and selling stocks, to buy and sell stocks with surplus funds.

The definition of surplus funds may differ from person to person, but it is said to be funds that have no definite use in the future, and in extreme cases, funds that are not troubled even if they are lost.
My investment in Philippine stocks fits this definition.

There are many stocks of companies in the Philippine stock market that are likely to grow significantly in the future, and I intend to buy them little by little.

When I visit Cebu in November, I hope to drink a lot of San Miguel beer to contribute to sales.
