Shopping at Ario Kashiwa

Yesterday, at my wife's request, we went shopping at Seven Park Ario Kashiwa.

The purpose is to buy clothes for the children to take with them when they return to their hometown in Cebu in November.
Last year, I think, I came here in late October to buy clothes for my son, daughter, and other relatives' children, and sent them to Cebu in November via Balikbayan Box. This time, I chose and bought clothes only for my son and daughter.

I am not really interested in clothes, so I carried my luggage as usual. Walking around the mall is just the right amount of exercise for me, so I don't mind.

This time, the purpose was to buy clothes for the children, but my wife wanted to buy bags, and when she saw bags, she rummaged through them. The women's clothing store had bags and shoes, but she could not seem to find anything she liked.
There was a bag specialty store, GRAN SAC'S, on the first floor, and as she looked around, she found a bag she liked.
September 9 is my wife's birthday, so I decided to give it to her as a present.

The brand was launched by an American fashion designer named MICHAEL KORS, and seems to offer fashion items, mainly accessories and wear.

I'm glad I was able to give my wife a gift she would like and buy clothes for the kids.
