BGM in the Philippines

The Philippines is full of different sounds.
In the cities, it's the car horns, and in the countryside, it's the crowing of chickens that you hear most often.
Not only in the countryside, but also in urban residential areas, chickens cluck quite a bit.
As expected, chickens are not kept free-range in urban areas, but in the countryside, some are kept in cages, but you can often see chickens walking around.

In the Philippines, like in Thailand, cockfighting is popular as a form of gambling.
That's why many men not only keep chickens as poultry, but also carefully keep roosters for cockfighting.

Chickens have a harem in which one rooster follows several hens. This makes them very territorial, and when other roosters appear in their territory, the roosters will engage in a fierce fight to repel them. Cockfighting takes advantage of this habit.

Birds have inherited the blood of the former dinosaurs, and a study of the amino acid sequence of chickens shows that half a dozen of them have the same amino acid sequence as the strongest dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus (T. rex). So it may be safe to say that the rooster's tremendous attacking power is inherited from the Tyrannosaurus.

It seems that chickens are social creatures and the order in which they crow is determined by the rank of the rooster, with the strongest rooster crowing first thing in the morning, followed by the second strongest rooster, then the third, fourth, and so on.

So if you know the order of the crowing, you can tell the superiority of the roosters in the community.
The rooster that crows loudly is the rooster, and the one that crows quietly is the hen.

It seems that chickens are domesticated versions of the red-bellied cuckoo, which lives in Southeast Asia.
In the past, they were more of a religious presence than a food source, and were used for divination.
In Japan, to lure Amaterasu out of her hiding place at Ama-no-Iwato, chickens were used to sing the morning song on a perch, and this perch was the origin of the torii gate.
And chickens are said to be the messengers of Amaterasu, and chickens are kept free as divine birds at Ise Shrine.

From such a religious existence, chickens and eggs have now become an indispensable food on the dinner table.
Tens of thousands of chickens are kept in cages for industrial use, which is becoming a problem in terms of animal welfare.
Chickens raised in rural areas in the Philippines are raised in a more natural environment and are much happier than industrial chickens.

I'm thinking of getting some chickens at home when I eventually move there, but I'd like to see them tone down that clucking a bit.
