Time at home together.

The COVIT 19 response has created a telecommuting program that allows me to spend more time at home. If you include weekends, I'm home three days a week. They spend more time together as a couple. For some couples, this has become a source of stress.

I guess the phrase "It's good to have a healthy husband who isn't home" is still alive and well.

There are times when we do things together in our house (e.g. eating, shopping, milienda (Filipino snack time), watching Netflix, sleeping, etc.) and other times when we are together but doing separate things.

In the time we are doing different things, my wife watches YouTube and takes and edits her own videos. I read books, watch YouTube, write blogs and sometimes take a nap, so to speak.

We haven't really talked about it, but this is a time when we don't interfere with each other. So it's not stressful for us to be together. It's also ideal for me, as I love to read book.

If I live alone I have complete freedom, but after marriage I have more time to adjust to my partner's needs, and it is said that Filipino women spend more time with their husbands than Japanese women, so I thought that I would have very little time to myself after marriage.

It's true that when we go out, including to the local grocery store, it's standard for the two of us to go together. Still, it didn't reduce our free time as much as we thought it would.

Even now, as I write this blog, my wife is working on her computer and phone. If we both have hobbies and enjoy our time together, we don't have to deal with stress.

We're comfortable with being with each other and not worrying about being with each other right now. Maybe that's what it means to be compatible with each other.
