The Christmas season has begun again this year.

In the Philippines, Christmas begins in the Ber months.
Ber months refers to the four months of September, October, November and December.

But as expected, September is the preparation stage, and it seems that Christmas decorations are just starting to be sold at shopping malls.
Since there is a Halloween festival in the Philippines these days, Christmas trees and decorations will not be put up in earnest until November, after Halloween.

So we decorated the Christmas tree at home, although it may seem a little early.
I leave all this work to my wife.

This year, We bought some ribbons and a snowman ornament at Don Quijote and started decorating.
My wife wrapped lights around the star on the top of the tree, so the LED lights I bought last year were not enough, so I had to buy new ones.

I'm not a Christian, but there's something about Christmas that makes people feel calm and kind.
I would like to be in the Christmas spirit from now until Christmas.
