Think about my future work.

I retired from my company at the end of September and will start my pension life next month.
I'm taking a short break this month, except for working part-time twice a week.
At any rate, I'm going to go to Hello Work next week to apply for Job Seeker's Allowance and start my job search.

So today I would like to think about the future of my work.

Working as a part-time job is the quickest way to secure an income.

If you think back to your part-time job when you were a student, I think part-time work is a way to earn a little income by selling off your time.
So, in my opinion, part-time work does not fall into the category of work.
A part-time job is just that, a part-time job.

Fortunately, I am not in a situation where I need to work immediately at any cost, as the pension will serve as a basic income.
I have a little more time to choose my work.
The main points to consider when looking for a job are as follows: 1) The work location should be about 30 minutes one way from home. 2) Working hours should be within 8 hours and no night shifts, and 3) Working days should be 3 or 4 days a week if possible. I would like to work for several years, so I need a job that is somewhat challenging.
I'm sure I can find a job that meets these requirements.

In addition to this immediate income, I would like to have a job that I can continue for the rest of my life.
Since it won't be an immediate income, it will be more like a hobby than a job at first, but since it's a job that uses the Internet, it's a job that I can continue even after I move to Cebu.

Although it has not yet taken shape, I am trying to create a job that people will enjoy and that will give me a sense of purpose in life.

I want to do a job that I am satisfied with because it is my second life after retirement.
