Went for a routine physical examination.

I went to the Kashiwa Health Checkup Clinic for my annual checkup.
The checkup was to start at 12:30 p.m., but there was a delay due to a train colliding with a car at a level crossing between Tomobe and Uchihara on the Joban Line, so I left home a little after 11:00.
I arrived in Kashiwa a little after 12:00. I went to Matsumotokiyoshi to buy some medicine my wife had asked for, and then went to the clinic just in time.

After changing into medical checkup clothes at the locker, we went to the third floor to start the medical checkup.
It took 50 minutes for the doctor to examine me after blood pressure test, blood test, chest x-ray, hearing, vision, height and weight measurement, and electrocardiogram.

What surprised me this time was that my blood pressure was now normal. Previously, my blood pressure had been so high that I had had it measured several times and recorded at the lowest number. Even so, it had been classified as requiring observation.
I don't know if it is because I am less stressed since quitting my corporate job or if it is because I have been cutting back on my drinking.

My height has been getting shorter with age. Well, this time I had the checkup in the afternoon, so my height was shorter than in the morning, which is good.
I had thought that the measurement of abdominal circumference had been discontinued, but it was conducted again, and the result was 84 cm. 85 cm or more is considered to be metabolic syndrome, apparently.
The results of the chest x-ray were fine.
All I have to do now is wait for the results of the blood and urine tests.

After the inspection, I went to the locker to change clothes and tried to open it, but it would not open. The locker had a combination key, and I had to set my own number when I locked it, and I remembered the number, but it wouldn't open. I thought I had amnesia. Come to think of it, there was no examination of the head in the medical checkup.
I told the receptionist why, and she unlocked the door without seeming surprised, as is often the case.

In a month or so, they will send me the results of the medical checkup. I am looking forward to it now.
