Bloom, bloom, cherry blossoms bloom!

This year's cherry blossoms bloomed in mid-March. Because of many days of low temperatures after that, the cherry trees were in full bloom in late March and finally in April, when the cherry blossoms were in leaf.

The cherry trees in our apartment building had many blossoms this year. It seems a lie that the year before last there were only sparse blossoms.

Since Ryukazaki, where I live now, is in the countryside, it is rich in nature, and in spring, I hear the calls of the Japanese bush warbler. So the bush warbler is truly a bird that heralds the coming of spring.

The cherry blossoms my wife wanted to see were past their prime, so we were only able to take a few pictures, but a bush warbler was perching on a branch to suck the nectar from the cherry blossoms.

Spring is in full swing with the blooming of spring flowers as well as cherry blossoms!
