Midnight earthquake

At first I thought I was dreaming of an earthquake.
When I woke up, the room was really shaking.

After noticing the shaking, when the shaking started in earnest, he said, "It's an earthquake. It's an earthquake. The earthquake alarm started beeping from my smart phone.

The shaking was quite strong, but it was a sideways shaking, so I took a wait-and-see approach and turned on the TV after the shaking subsided a little.
The epicenter seemed to be off the coast of Fukushima. The epicenter was 60 km deep.
The shaking was a little surprising, but nothing on the shelves fell over, so there was no problem.

The news said that 2.1 million households in the Tokyo metropolitan area lost power, but our house did not.
The reason for the blackout was that several thermal power plants in Fukushima Prefecture experienced an emergency shutdown, resulting in the loss of approximately 6 million kilowatts of supply.

Electricity cannot be supplied at a stable frequency unless supply and demand are in balance, they said, and relays automatically worked to hold this frequency, causing some areas to lose power.
If this blackout measure was not taken, there was a risk of a widespread blackout.

Although our house was not affected by the earthquake, it is said that a major earthquake with an intensity of 6 or higher could occur anytime in the future, including an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area, so we must be cautious.
