Criminals don't come to the Philippines!

A series of robbery-murder and robbery-injury incidents have occurred in the Kanto region and elsewhere in Japan.
One of them occurred in our town, Ryukesaki City. The robberies are characterized by their rough tactics and targeting people when they are at home.

A police investigation revealed that the perpetrators were men who had applied for jobs on a black site.
They received instructions from the mastermind via smartphone to commit the crimes.

The mastermind behind the scheme calls himself "Rufie.
The ruffian had already been arrested in the Philippines for a special fraud case (the so-called "oleo fraud"), and he was giving instructions from the facility where he was housed after his arrest.

According to reports, unlike prisons, Philippine internment camps offer freedom of movement and the free use of smartphones.
Yuki Watanabe, a.k.a. Rufie, and three others are believed to be involved in the robbery, and will soon be deported and arrested by Japanese police authorities on a flight back to Japan.

In the past, the Philippines was famous as a destination for Yakuza escapees. Recently, there has been no end to the number of cases of Japanese criminals who have infiltrated and been arrested in the Philippines.

Since these criminals choose the Philippines as their escape destination, every time such news is reported, the impression of the Philippines becomes worse.
Of course, it is the criminals who are at fault, not the Philippines.

Criminals, do not come to the Philippines!
