Hard struggle

When I was in Kumamoto the other day, a friend of mine was using the same amplifier, the Marantz NR1200, and we got to talking about music. I'm sure the sound coming out of the different speakers would be very different, but this amp is a network amplifier, so it can play back a variety of sources.

So my friend bought a record player and has been listening to the LP records that were in storage, which I thought were different from the CDs and had a different taste, which I thought was nice.

The environment for playing music has changed from LP records to CDs, and now to streaming. On the other hand, the opportunity to sit back and enjoy music is disappearing.

I was talking about the Marantz NR1200, and my friend is subscribing to Amazon Music HD for high quality sound because this amplifier can also play high-resolution from Amazon Music, and he said it sounds pretty good.

I'm a subscriber to Unlimited, but I switched to HD for a test drive. As it was early in the morning, I listened to it on my computer instead of the amp and the sound quality was different enough for my ears to hear it clearly.

The computer is connected to a Bose companion 20, which has a slightly enhanced low frequency sound typical of Bose. On the other hand, I had the impression that the high frequencies were difficult to produce. However, when I played back Amazon Music HD, the sound was lively from the midrange to the high range. I was a bit surprised by this.

Well, it's past 7:00 a.m. and I'm going to listen to my Marantz NR1200 and try to connect it to Amazon Music, but I don't know how to connect it. But I don't know how to connect to Amazon Music, and the manual doesn't tell me how to do it.

Despite the fact that it says in the catalog that it also supports Amazon Music, it doesn't say how to connect to it. Apparently, it is operated by an app called HEOS.

So I download the app on my iPhone and start it up, but the message "device not found" appears. After some research, it seems that the NR1200 needs to be on the same network as my phone to be recognized.

My NR1200 is connected to LAN, but I can't recognize my iPhone as a wifi connection. So once I disconnected the LAN connection and reconnected the NR1200 to wifi, HEOS finally recognized the NR1200 as a terminal. Oh dear.

I had been listening to the NR1200 connected to my iPhone via Bluetooth, but the quality of the sound was certainly different. It took some time, but I was satisfied with the results. But I'm tired.
