I don't have a candidate I want to vote for.

Today is the day to vote in the 26th House of Councillors election.

I support the KDP, so I know who to vote for regarding proportional, but I can't decide about the electoral districts.

There is a candidate who is endorsed by both the Democratic Party of Japan and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, and I was thinking of voting for him. However, when I looked at the answers to the questionnaire I received from the candidates, they were more in favor of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.

The candidate himself seems to be from a labor union affiliated with UA Zensen and is a committee member of RENGO Ibaraki under that framework.
So it would make sense for him to originally run as a member of the KDP.
I don't know whether the Rikken Democratic Party of Japan could not field its own candidate or whether Rengo took the initiative, but the candidate ended up running as an independent.

As a result, the candidates' survey responses show opposition to constitutional reform and reluctance to increase defense forces.
This makes it impossible to vote even if one wanted to.
However, we feel that it is unfair to blame the candidates. Perhaps the RENGO Ibaraki, which is in charge of the election campaign, must have considered all sides of the issue when answering the questionnaire.

So I had to re-select the candidates to vote for from scratch.
I had never had such a hard time deciding who to vote for as I did this time.
In the end, I narrowed down the candidates by a process of elimination and decided to vote.

For me, this was a tough election.
