Feeling like a loss

I am entitled to a special old-age pension from the age of 62, but until now it was suspended because my salary income was above a certain level.

I was expecting the suspension to be lifted soon because I am no longer in a managerial position and my salary has been reduced significantly to three days off per week since November.

However, it will only be lifted after the standard monthly remuneration has been reviewed and confirmed by the Japan Pension Service, according to the report.

was aware that the standard monthly compensation is revised if wages drop by two or more grades for three consecutive months. This is the so-called monthly change. At the same time, if you are over 60 years of age and are rehired after retirement, you can change your grade to the reduced wage without waiting for the monthly change in compensation through a system called "same-day mourning".

In my case, the retirement age is the last day of my 60th birthday month, and that's where I resigned. Therefore, it is not possible to change the contract after reemployment, such as this one, on the same day.

In other words, for three months, in addition to the social insurance premiums that have been paid up to now, the special old-age pension that should have been paid remains suspended. For three months, I will have to pay about 200,000 yen. It's not a small amount of money for me.

Originally, this system was intended to reduce the social insurance burden of rehired workers, so it should not be surprising that it was applied.

A search on the Internet also shows that if you are over 60 years of age, you can voluntarily make same-day gains and losses if there is a significant change in your wages due to a change in your reemployment contract.

So I made an appointment to consult with the Japan Pension Service. The earliest I could make an appointment was in the afternoon of December 17, as the office was said to be very busy. I'll write about the results in my blog.
