Changed the brand of my cell phone contract to LINEMO.

I've been thinking for a while that I should switch from Softbank to another telecommunication company to save money on my cell phone bill since I'm going into pension life.
So when I contacted Softbank to apply for MNP (My Number Portability), I was told that there would be a cancellation fee.

Recently, there are no cancellation fees for switching telecommunication companies, but my contract was a few years old, so I was bound to renew it for two years.

If I had cancelled the contract last year, there would have been no fee, but I counted the number of years incorrectly, so I have to wait until next year to pay the 10,450 yen cancellation fee.

However, I found out that there is no cancellation fee if you switch to another brand of Softbank, LINEMO. Moreover, there is no need to go through the MNP process and my existing phone number will be taken over.

LINEMO is a low-cost cell phone, so all procedures must be completed on the web.
After the SIM arrives, all communication settings until the opening of the service are also done on the web.

The SIM arrived yesterday, so I swapped the Softbank SIM to the LINEMO SIM this morning, changed the communication settings, and successfully opened the connection just now.

The price is 990 yen including tax for a 3G plan.
The price is 990 yen including tax for a 3G plan, which is a savings of 2,150 yen per month, or 25,800 yen per year, compared to 3,140 yen per month for Softbank's 1G plan, which I had been using.

My smartphone is connected to my home WiFi connection at home, and I use a WiFi router when I'm out, so I only used data communication when I forgot my WiFi router at home.

So my data usage is 0 bytes per month.
In addition, I rarely make phone calls, so I don't even need a cell phone, but if I don't have a cell phone, an authorization number will be sent to my cell phone when I go through the Internet, so I have no choice but to have one.
