Olympics without a leader

There are only four days left until the start of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

The event was supposed to be held last summer, but was postponed due to the corona disaster, and was in doubt until early June.
The event was postponed due to the Corona disaster and was in doubt until early June.

Normally, the Olympics would be a lively event with people from all over the world, but this time it was full of exceptions.

In the first place, this Olympics was a stinker from the start, with the theft of the emblem and the redesign of the national stadium.

It's a strange thing that when a project stumbles at the start, it often leads to various problems later on and the whole project goes wrong.

Even if the postponement of last year's event was unavoidable in some respects, I think there would have been more work to be done if they had been serious about holding the event this year.

Since the Prime Minister has said that the Olympics will be "a safe and secure Olympics that overcomes corona," at least the citizens of Tokyo, the main host city, and the Tokyo metropolitan area should be vaccinated (about 80%) by the time the Games are held.
As the host city, it would have been a minimum level of hospitality for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to prepare a system to immediately admit athletes, coaches, and officials from the participating countries to a medical facility in the event of a positive case of corona.

However, according to NHK, the vaccination rate in Tokyo is only 18%.
Furthermore, no medical facilities have been opened for the exclusive use of Olympic officials.

I think the reason we are in this situation is because we do not have a command center.
The Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games is headed by Ms. Hashimoto, but she has a very weak presence, perhaps partly because he was replaced by Mr. Mori midway through the Games.

Despite the fact that the Prime Minister (Mr. Abe at that time) and the Governor of Tokyo, among others, stood on a spectacular stage as representatives of the country and city that will host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics at the closing ceremony of the Rio de Janeiro Games, there is no indication that they are serious or enthusiastic about making the Olympics a success.

What in the world is going on in Japan?
The Olympics is the world's largest sporting event, and although it is supposed to be distinct from politics, it is in fact an event that stakes the prestige of the nation.

So I am very disappointed to see how poorly the country and the host city have handled this event.

Are you okay, Nippon?
