Consider the role of the father.

The second Sunday in June is Father's Day. Compared to Mother's Day, Father's Day is somewhat overshadowed.
It is said that the original idea was to have a "Father's Day" because there is a "Mother's Day," so it is a "day to add on to.

My wife has two children and I, being married to her, take on the role of father.
However, since we do not live together, I am currently only a provider of childcare expenses. I believe that I will become aware of my role as a nurturing father only after I emigrate to live with my children and come into direct contact with them.

The first role required of fathers would be to create a safe environment for their families. A father with a sense of security is a "dependable father" who can be relied on to protect him in times of need.
It is even more desirable if the person is a role model in life.

A child is a fine child if left alone, but it takes a certain amount of effort and study to become a great father.

Fathers who have children at a young age find it difficult to raise them because they themselves are in the process of growing up.
Having a child is easy, but raising a child is not.

The children call me "Daddy" on the videophone, but I am not doing anything fatherly.

There are still a few more years until I emigrate. In the meantime, my children will continue to grow up.
How will I deal with them as a father when they have grown up to a certain extent?
How can I make up for the time I was unable to spend with them while they were growing up?

For me, the challenge is to solve that problem.

In the evening, I saw a video message addressed to me that had arrived on my wife's smart phone.
It was Father's Day, so it was a message for me. It was the first Father's Day message in my life.
I thought to myself, "I have to work hard until my children grow up.
