I went to the tax office to file my tax return.

For the past few years, I've only had "withholding tax" because my only income was from my company salary.
Last year, I received a distribution from the dissolution of the pension fund, plus a little income from my side job.
I had to file a tax return because I paid taxes in ”hometown donation tax payment", so I went to the tax office.

The tax return can be conveniently prepared from the National Tax Agency's website.
Print out the prepared tax return and submit it to the tax office along with a notice of my number, a copy of my driver's license, and the "Furusato Tax" donation receipt along with my salary withholding slip.
Income tax beyond withholding can be paid at a convenience store, which is convenient.

The amount of additional tax payment this time was 21,200 yen.
The total amount of income tax and withholding tax is not too high, since it is only about 100,000 yen, but if you add local taxes and social insurance premiums, the annual payment will exceed 1 million yen.
If you add consumption tax and property tax to this, it's over 100,000 a month, which is a pretty big expense for me.

As long as I live in Japan, it is my duty as a citizen to pay taxes, and I will gladly do so because there are more benefits than that.

Now, my wife is a full-time housewife, so her only income is from YouTube.
Of course, if the earnings are above a certain level, she will have to pay income tax.
However, there is no need to worry about my wife's tax payment at the moment, as her income is limited to 200,000 yen or more per year after subtracting expenses (miscellaneous expenses such as equipment needed for filming and transportation for filming) from the actual earnings.

By the way, my wife asked me last night, "What is my TIN?
What's a TIN? Metal tin?
Apparently, they want to know my TIN because if I don't tell Google my TIN, they will deduct taxes from my earnings.

TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number, which in the United States
Japan does not have a taxpayer identification number, but "My Number" is the real taxpayer identification number.
So I give my wife my wife's "my number".

After June of this year, if you don't notify Google of your TIN, they will start deducting 24% tax at source from your YouTube and other earnings.

Since there is a tax treaty between Japan and the United States regarding income tax, no tax is withheld.

So, I filed my tax return with the tax office in Japan and my wife notified Google of my number.
