Final tax return completed

The season when plum blossoms are blooming is also the time to file income tax returns.

Last year, I submitted a paper tax return to the tax office.
This year, I filed my tax return electronically since I had already registered for e-filing at the tax office last year.
It seems that if you have a my number card, you can file your tax return with a smart phone.

Last year, I had employment income and pension income from two places, and I needed to file a tax return because I paid voluntary insurance fees and long-term care insurance premiums and paid taxes in my hometown.

Since I will have at least salary and pension income for the next year and beyond, I will not be able to avoid filing tax returns.
The tax office is a 15-minute walk from my house, and although I could submit my tax return in paper form, I intend to file electronically next time as well, since it doesn't take much time to print out the documents.

Last year I paid additional taxes, but on the contrary, this year I will receive a refund of a little over 20,000 yen.
I wrote in my blog that I had deducted income tax from my pension, but since I have a spouse, the amount was transferred to my bank as an adjustment, so I have a little extra money to spend along with the refund.
