At what age does old age begin?

At a certain age, many people start to worry about their retirement funds.
When we are young, we don't think about ourselves getting old, and I don't think we can even imagine ourselves getting old in the first place.

If you work in a company, you probably start to think about your retirement gradually when you are over 50 years old and approaching retirement.
In my case, I started to think about retirement when I was about 55 years old.

By the way, at what age does "old age" mean?
There is no clear definition, and it seems to vary from person to person.
According to a survey, many people aged about 30 think that they will start to age at 60, and those aged about 50 think that they will age at 60, and as they get older, they think that they will age at 65 or 70.

Sixty is the normal retirement age for company employees, 65 is the age at which pension benefits begin, and 70 is the age at which one can no longer participate in the welfare pension system, so each has its own meaning.
So it seems that the term "old age" refers to the period after one's professional life comes to an end.

In my case, I'm planning to work while I can, so I think I'll be able to retire when I'm about 75 years old. But I don't know what the future holds.

I don't have much of an image of my life in old age.

It seems that many Japanese men have nothing to do in their old age and have too much time on their hands.
I myself had a similar experience during the two months before my retirement contract ended and I started working again, so I can imagine this as an actual experience.

I was not happy to have Sundays every day.
I was not able to spend any meaningful time, even if it was not to the extent of "doing bad things by being quiet.
So I think I'll find something to devote myself to while I still can.

