Thanks for the birthday gift!

On October 11, I turned 66 years old.
I was surprised to receive a gift from my wife in the morning.
I don't know when she bought it, but thank you.

I thought I would wear my sleeves when I visited Cebu next month, but since we were going out to Sensoji Temple and the Ueno Zoo that day and the forecast was for higher temperatures, my wife suggested I wear the polo shirt right away.

I am not particularly moved by the fact that I have turned 66 years old. I just feel a little happy because my age is 66, which is a double-letter number.

Many people self-deprecatingly refer to themselves as "big buddy" at the age of 40 or "old man" after 60, but I do not consider myself an old man at all.

Perhaps I am not self-aware enough, but I consider myself to be at least an "uncle" if not an "older brother".
Even if it is self-deprecating, calling myself an "old man" would really make me feel old.

If I were to call myself an "old man," I would start at about age 77, when I will next be a ruddy old man.

I am sure my wife does not think of me as an old man. Because the T-shirts and polo shirts she gave me this time are green, not brown.
