Twilight, digestive game...

It's been two months since I stepped down from my position at the end of September to become a regular contract employee.

I'm getting used to having three days off a week, free from the distractions of everyday life.
In fact, I work at home one day, so I only have to go to the office three days a week, so commuting is no longer a problem.

The biggest change was in the content of the work, as it became mainly auxiliary work and there was nothing to do except to create work on my own, except for responding to consultations from new managers.


My contract will last until the end of next September, which means I have nine months of company life left, but after calculating my paid vacations and accumulated substitute holidays, I will effectively only be at the office for less than 90 days.

In my case, it will be less than a year before I step down from my position and retire completely, so even if I consider it as a digestive game, it won't be long and I think I can manage to maintain my motivation.
Still, I am not as motivated to work as I used to be.


Sometimes I see the topic of "middle-aged salarymen who don't work" on the Internet.

Most of them are about the younger generation criticizing the middle-aged and older employees in the company who are around retirement age.

I don't think it's the fault of "middle-aged salarymen who don't work," but rather the fact that the system of mandatory retirement and retirement age commission has made it impossible for people to work even if they wanted to.

Compared to a generation ago, many people in their 60s today are physically and mentally strong, and are able to learn new things as usual. So, I think they are fully capable of being active.

Nevertheless, they retire at the age of 60. It would be a great loss to society if we did not fully utilize their power for the next five years.

In an aging society, the government is working to create a system that will allow people to remain active in the workforce until the age of 70, but the way they work has not been discussed.

Not only do we need to extend the working period, but we also need an environment where workers can work with dignity without losing their motivation.

Now, how will I spend my 90 days at the company I work for now? How will I do useful work?
At the very least, I would like to avoid being called "the man who doesn't work."
