silent prayer for a moment

On September 27, a state funeral for the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was held at the Budokan.

The ceremony was attended by 4,200 people, including heads of state from inside and outside the country, and 23,000 members of the public who laid flowers at the floral tribute table.
I watched the national funeral live on TV and offered a silent prayer during the moment of silence.
I was also moved by the eulogy of former Prime Minister Kan, who represented his friends

As for the state funeral, the pros and cons were divided. I am in favor of it. I believe that a state funeral is appropriate for former Prime Minister Abe, who had the heavy responsibility of serving as prime minister for a total of eight years and eight months, and who was killed by a bullet while giving a speech in support of the House of Councillors election as an incumbent member of the House of Representatives.

On the other hand, I am sure there are those who disagree. Each person will have his or her own opinion, and I respect that.
However, the way the media reports the news is a big problem. Even NHK's live broadcast this time was conspicuously biased.

In the time leading up to the start of the national funeral, NHK reported on the cost of the funeral, citing the amount of money spent (billions of dollars are insignificant to national expenditures), and during the ceremony, a short video summarizing the footsteps of former Prime Minister Abe was shown to the audience, during which NHK went out of its way to announce that the video was produced by the government (i.e., that it had nothing to do with NHK).

In other words, NHK wanted to emphasize that it had no involvement in or consent to the footprint footage.
I can't believe this is "everyone's NHK". I sincerely do not want to pay a single penny for NHK's services.

According to the report, opponents of the silent prayer time are saying, "No silent prayer! Stop the silent prayer! No one has the right to tell a silent person to stop being silent. It is people like this who do not understand such a simple thing.They are really shameful people.

The Mainichi Shimbun reports that 15,000 people gathered at the opposition rally in front of the Diet, according to the organizers, but I wonder how many were actually there. Probably far, far fewer. If 15,000 people had gathered in front of the Diet, they would have reported it with a large photo.
On the contrary, there were few reports of people who came to offer flowers. However, the video footage of the event was posted on social networking sites and the Internet, and it took more than three hours from morning to evening to get to the offering stand.

Dear opponents. Please be quiet at least during the silent prayer for the ministry.
