The year 2022 has begun.

Happy New Year to you all.
The typhoon that hit Cebu and the rest of the Visayas at the end of the year was so devastating that the power is still out and communication is still almost useless, but my whole family is safe and this year will be the beginning of a year of recovery.

Meanwhile, those of us living in Japan had a peaceful New Year's.

My wife prepared this dish to welcome the New Year (the festive food was a gift from Kasuya-cho, Fukuoka Prefecture).
The cake was also homemade by my wife.
There are only two of us in the house, so if we ate everything, we'd be over-calorie.

The fruit platter is a Filipino New Year's custom, and they actually prepare 12 different kinds of round fruits, but it's difficult to prepare 12 different kinds of fruits in Japan this time of year, so I skipped it.

I don't know what kind of year this will be, but I hope to spend it savoring every day.
