Almost every day is Sunday.

I haven't been to the office since August 6, because I have to use my paid vacation from the company job until my retirement date at the end of September.

I work part-time about once a week, so it's not a complete vacation, but almost every day is Sunday.
Well, right now I'm just enjoying my belated summer vacation.

My days are completely free from the stress of commuting trains and work at the office.

I wake up before five in the morning and take a shower. After that, I eat a banana, an apple, and some yogurt while reading the news on the Internet or writing a blog.
When my wife wakes up, we have a cup of coffee together.

After his wife leaves for work, he enjoys his free time by listening to music, reading books, and watching YouTube.
I go shopping at the supermarket once every two days.

On days when my wife is at work, I cook dinner, so I cook in the evenings. I have been single for a long time, so I can do all kinds of housework.
I especially enjoy cooking.

As soon as my wife returned from work at 6pm, we had dinner. After dinner, I watch a movie, take a shower before 9:00, and go to bed.
This is how he lives a regular life.

So for now, I don't have a lot of free time on my hands.
If I don't work after I retire, every day will be a Sunday, but in that case, I'm sure I'll be bored.
But then I'm sure I'll be bored, and if I don't have any contact with society, I'll start to lose my mind sooner or later.

While you are healthy, or rather, in order to lead a healthy and vigorous life, it is important to do as much productive work as possible.
It would be best to work outside the home three to four days a week to earn income, while experimenting to find a job that will give you a purpose in life that you can do after you move to Japan.

So it will be a while before I can live every day as a Sunday.
