Unseasonal Snow (Lingerling snow)

It is said that "hot and cold lasts until the end of the spring equinox," but yesterday it suddenly turned cold and snowed.
It was cold and snowy yesterday.

In Tokyo, there was only a dusting of snow in the afternoon, but it seemed to have fallen quite a bit in Ryukazaki, and the roofs were covered with a light dusting of snow.

The sudden cold weather was expected to increase demand for electricity, so a power shortage alert was issued in the service areas of Tohoku Electric Power Company and Tokyo Electric Power Company. This was due to the fact that thermal power plants were shut down due to the recent earthquake, and solar power generation was also useless due to the bad weather.
It was 11:00 a.m. on the 23rd when it was lifted. I went to a local supermarket at that time, but the lights in the display cases were turned off, so I had to do my shopping in a bit of dim light.

I remember when, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, nuclear power plants were shut down and planned power outages were implemented in the Tokyo metropolitan area, along with power conservation.

Abiko City, where I lived at the time, was not a planned blackout area because liquefaction had occurred in some areas and it was recognized as a disaster area. Even so, the city was dark because of the power-saving efforts.

Due to sanctions against Russia, fuel costs are high and are unlikely to go down in the foreseeable future, so we must defend our economic livelihood.
