The price was secretly raised.

The My Number Card penetration rate is 44.0% as of May 1, 2022 (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).
The top five municipalities in Japan are, in order: 1st, Awashima-ura Village, Niigata Prefecture, 84.3%; 2nd, Himejima Village, Oita Prefecture, 81.1%; 3rd, Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki Prefecture, 78.6%; 4th, Yabu City, Hyogo Prefecture, 78.6%; 5th, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, 73.5%.
Miyazaki Prefecture topped the list of prefectures with 57.1%, while Okinawa Prefecture came in last at 31.3%.
Incidentally, Ibaraki Prefecture and Ryukesaki City are slightly lower than average at 41.9% and 42.3%, respectively.

The government is promoting the use of the system by granting miner points (the first round of points is worth 5,000 yen, the second round is worth 7,500 yen when applying for the system as a health insurance card, and another 7,500 yen when registering an account to receive public money). Even so, it is unlikely that the government will reach its goal of having the card available to almost all citizens by the end of FY2022 (end of March 2023).

The reason for the lack of widespread use is that there are not many advantages other than the miner points.
As for identification, a driver's license is all you need.
The only time I have been glad to have it is when I received a certificate of residence at a convenience store, and the price was reduced from 300 yen to 200 yen, or 100 yen less.

This fall, smartphones will be able to carry miner bar card functionality, which may add a bit of convenience.

It will probably become widespread all at once when the automobile license and my number card are integrated at the end of next fiscal year.

By the way, when a my number card is linked to a health insurance card, the my number card can be used as an insurance card, but only about 20% of medical institutions are able to use it.

The problem is that using the my number card as an insurance card will result in higher medical fees.


The medical service fee was revised in April this year, and if you use your My Number Card as your health insurance card, 7 points will be added to the fee for the first visit. 10 yen per point is 70 yen, so those of us who pay 30% will have to pay 21 yen extra. In other words, the medical fee has been raised without our knowledge.

I pay for my medical bills at the hospital without checking every time I pay, but I don't feel good that the price has been raised without my knowledge.

Perhaps many people think like me, but according to today's Sankei Shimbun, the government is considering a review that would include the abolition of this additional system.

Be that as it may, I'll register my health insurance card and public money receiving account next month in order to earn the second round of miner points.
