Drinking is now closed.

Last month I weighed myself and found that I weighed over 70 kg, so I decided to lose weight.
Thinking that the weight gain might be due to the fact that I was drinking alcohol every night, I decided to stop buying alcohol for a while after I ran out of the alcohol (vodka) that I had on hand.

That didn't mean I was going to quit drinking.
I knew that I was not addicted to alcohol because I did not experience withdrawal symptoms such as pain or shaky hands when I stopped drinking at night.

When I was in my 40s, I used to drink every night, which was a lie, but these days I don't go out drinking, partly because of Corona, and I only drink at home for the evening, so my drinking has decreased.
That evening drink was also a couple of shots of whiskey with water, and if I made it a little stronger, I sometimes got a headache in the middle of the night. Compared to the past, I seem to be less sensitive to alcohol.

It has been almost a month since I stopped drinking at night, and I no longer feel the urge to drink.
I think I was drinking out of inertia, as drinking at night has become a kind of lifestyle habit.

I no longer drink alcohol to relieve stress as I did when I was working.
Whenever there was a scene on Netflix where I drank alcohol, I used to think about having a drink, but now I don't even think about it anymore.
It's strange to me.

By the way, the important thing is what happened to my weight, which unfortunately changed very little.
It was not because of the drinking at night

So, since I am not abstaining from drinking, I am willing to drink if I feel like it.
