Countries Filipinos Trust

Pulse Asia, a private Philippine research firm, has released the results of a survey of 10 countries familiar to Filipinos on whether they are trustworthy.

The survey was conducted through interviews with 1,200 Filipinos between June 24 and 27 of this year.

As a result, the United States is the most trustworthy country, followed by Australia and Japan in close order, and Japan is second only to the United States in the "very trustworthy" category.

Conversely, the top untrustworthy country is China, followed by Russia and India.

As for China, this is probably due to the Nansha Islands issue and a strong sense of caution. As for Russia, the Ukraine problem seems to be having an impact. It seems that 60% of Filipinos think that these two countries cannot be trusted.

However, there are many Chinese Filipinos in the Philippines, and the number of Chinese who visited the Philippines for tourism in Corona 2019 was 1.74 million, second only to South Koreans. Japanese, by comparison, numbered 680,000.

Since this survey was conducted to find out if the country is trustworthy, it would be different when it comes to people from that country.
I wonder how many Filipinos would say that the Japanese are trustworthy. I would very much like to have the survey conducted in Pulse Asia.
