Bicycle wins 6 to 25 to 32!

The Corona disaster has increased the number of people who commute by bicycle to avoid contact with people.
An article in the Manila Times reported that the number of people riding bicycles has increased dramatically not only in Japan but also in the Philippine metropolitan area.

According to Social Weather Station, a Philippine research firm, 32% of households in Metro Manila own or rent bicycles.
Since 25% of all households own a motorcycle and 6% own a car, the largest number of households own bicycles.

The reason for riding a bicycle is not only to avoid the coronavirus, but also because the recent rise in fuel costs has drastically reduced the number of cabs and jeepneys in operation and increased their fees.
With the price of various things going up, bicycles are being reevaluated as a means of saving money.

That said, the Philippines is a very harsh environment for bicycling because of the heat, exhaust fumes, and lack of well-maintained bicycle paths.

The article argues that we need a road administration that makes it easier for bicycles to travel on roads that have been maintained primarily by automobiles.

I have been to the Philippines many times and have never seen anyone riding a bicycle other than a human-powered tricycle called a pedicab. With the Corona disaster and inflation, many people will be riding bicycles, and the scenery in the city will probably change as well.

Nevertheless, the Philippines is a mix of cars, motorcycles, buses, jeepneys, and tricycles. With the new addition of bicycles, the roads are likely to become even more chaotic. In the meantime, be safe!
