Try again! Diet.

I have gained weight in the last three years. This is partly due to a change in my eating habits and partly because I am getting older and my basal metabolism has dropped. In addition, since I quit my job, I exercise less each day.

When I was a company employee, I used to walk 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day for some reason, but now it is about 6,000 steps. On days off from my part-time job, I don't think I walk more than 2,000 steps.
It is obvious that I will gain weight.

I am now around 70 kg and my weight gain has stopped, but it is inevitable that I will start gaining weight again as my basal metabolism decreases further. I have stopped drinking alcohol, but my weight is not decreasing. But exercising is too much of a hassle. The quickest way to lose weight is to cut back on the amount of food you eat.

So first, I stop eating ice cream, which I used to eat every day. I am starting by cutting the amount of rice and snacks in half.
My target weight is 64 kilograms, which is below the WHO's BMI of 24.99 for a normal weight. If possible, I would like to lose weight to 62 kilograms.

The goal is to lose six to seven kilograms.

In my past experience, dietary restriction can reduce 3 to 4 kilograms in about 2 months, but after that, it is difficult to reduce the weight by dietary restriction alone. In other words, it is necessary to use energy in some form.

Although it is wishful thinking, it will be easier to climb stairs when I lose weight, and my body movements will be sharper because I am lighter. This may encourage people to exercise.

Let's aim for 65 kilograms by the end of the year. By the way, I weighed 68.8 kilograms this morning.
