Is this for real? That's a big deal.

Face-to-face classes have begun in public schools in the Philippines.
The wearing of masks has become optional, but it seems that masks are still being worn at schools.
Since the coronavirus infection has not completely ended, everyone is taking precautions, while vaccination is not progressing.

Since schools have reopened, the risk of children becoming infected has increased, so local governments are calling for vaccinations.

The Cebu Sun-Star reported on a campaign launched by Cebu City Mayor Rama.
The campaign is aimed at households that have their children between the ages of 6 and 17 years old vaccinated against coronavirus.

The opulence of the goods is beyond belief.
Two condos. One car. Eight motorcycles. 15 laptop computers. 10 refrigerators. 20 tablet devices will be provided as goods.

All of these products must be coveted by the average person. Especially, condominiums and automobiles are the most coveted items.

Many parents must be willing to do whatever it takes to have their children vaccinated if they can win such a luxurious prize.
Conversely, the vaccination rate will not increase without such a campaign.
According to the article, the City of Cebu City will provide the vaccine with the cooperation of a private company.

The drawing will take place next February with the children's parents participating in the drawing.
That's still a fat lot of money.
