Stop being a bully to the weak.

In late November, the Philippine military found the wreckage of a Chinese rocket at sea and was towing it by boat when a Chinese maritime police vessel cut the rope that was towing it and seized it

China is said to have contacted a Philippine military boat and said that the boat was handed over amicably.
The Philippines is correct in saying that China would never do such a thing, and that they forcefully seized the boat when they saw that their opponent was weak.

Xi Jinping once said to President Obama, "Let the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean belong to the United States and the western half to China.
China has a hegemonic view of the nation and believes that all neighboring countries belong to it.

Historically, the Chinese dynasties were the central powers in Asia, and neighboring countries were under the jurisdiction of the Chinese book-entry system.
Japan, too, was under the influence of the Chinese dynasties before it became a unified nation (until around the 5th century), but since the 6th century, it has been facing China as an independent nation.

Xi Jinping may want to restore the past glory of China, but the current one-party Communist-ruled China was founded in 1949. It is a country with a short history of only 73 years. From that perspective, it is an immature country.
It may be no wonder that such a country has become powerful so rapidly.
Nevertheless, in the 21st century, when international cooperation is required above all else, it is highly anachronistic to advocate and use hegemony based on power.

Waters that China claims as its own.

Although China has historically claimed that these are its territorial waters, an arbitration tribunal based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ruled that the claim that China has the right to these waters from a historical perspective is inadmissible.
Based on these judgments, the report states that the act of Chinese maritime police vessels and other official vessels chasing or locking out Philippine fishing vessels operating in the area violates the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

China is not satisfied with this outcome and is ignoring the arbitration award document as a mere useless scrap of paper.
It says that these issues are to be resolved through bilateral talks. It is clear that when it comes to bilateral negotiations, the country with the strongest power has the advantage.

Come on China, stop being a bully and be an adult country.
