Meaning of gifts from Lithuania.

On 5 June, 390 000 vaccines for the new strain of corona arrived at Ninoy Aquino Airport.
The sender was the Lithuanian Government and they were received by the Philippine Department of Health.

Lithuania was annexed by the Soviets in 1940, but gained independence in 1990 and is now a member of the European Union.
Lithuania, located on the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe, is a long way from the Philippines. Many Filipinos work abroad, but probably not many go to Lithuania.

I don't see any connection between Lithuania and the Philippines. So it is not clear why Lithuania gave away 390,000 new corona vaccines.

Unfortunately, Philippine news websites only contain factual information. So from now on it is mere speculation on my part.

Lithuania has long been oppressed by Russia and the Soviet Union. As such, it has a tough attitude towards states that threaten its independence.
Russia and China, with their authoritarianism, lack of freedom of speech and attitude that the word 'human rights' is not in the dictionary. Naming these two countries as threats to Lithuania, he said: 'We will actively oppose any violation of human rights and democratic freedoms. We will defend the movement to fight for freedom all over the world, from Belarus to Taiwan".
And true to its word, it has opened a trade office in Taiwan.
Unsurprisingly, China has not only vehemently opposed these Lithuanian moves, but has also imposed economic sanctions on Lithuania.

2021 Lithuania is sending 20 000 new corona vaccines to Taiwan.
I believe that this provision of vaccines to the Philippines is following this trend.
As I have often written in this blog, China is violating the Philippines' territorial waters without permission.
So it is natural for Lithuania to support the Philippines.

In response to Lithuania's anti-Chinese moves, an editorial in the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper, the Huangyu Times, reportedly said.

A tiny country like Lithuania is "nothing more than a rat or a flea on the sole of an elephant's foot."
I would love to show this video to the Chinese Communists who say such things with impunity.
