Sold the books at home

When I buy a few books a month, I find myself buying more books than I can fit on my bookshelf.
I had no choice but to arrange the books in front of each other, but it's a little bit disgraceful and sometimes it's difficult to find the book I'm looking for.

So I decided to take the plunge and sell five cardboard boxes full of books that I probably won't read in the future.
The first time, there is no shipping charge, but from the next time, each box will cost 500 yen.

I sent 222 books to Book Value, and 135 of them sold for 11,714 yen.
I don't know if this is expensive or cheap, but at any rate, my bookshelves are a little cleaner.
But there are still more than 1,000 books left. The books I left behind were unread books and books I thought I might read again in the future.
But I don't know how much I can read. However, I sometimes pick up a book in front of the bookshelf and read it, or check the contents of a book mentioned when I am reading another book, so I inevitably end up with more books left on my hands.

I will try to add as few books as possible in the future, but I am sure I will find my bookshelves overflowing with books.
