You're a great guy.

There was an article in the Sankei News web edition this morning about Takashi Mifune, who will stop updating his illustrations regularly from February 1.

The illustration above is one of his works, and his heartwarming and cute illustrations can be seen here and there these days.

I was wondering who drew these illustrations, since they are used in our city's public relations magazine, and I see them on NHK and commercial broadcasts.
Since he was published in so many media, I imagined that he must be a successful and quite well-off person.

However, according to the Sankei News article, Mifune not only publishes her illustrations on the web, but also charges no fees for their use.

He has been updating the site every day since he released his first work on January 31, 2012, and has published as many as 25,000 illustrations so far.

I immediately searched the Internet and found a series of illustrations with a unique soft touch.

He decided to stop updating the site every day because he was too busy with his other work to take a break, and it was becoming too hard on him mentally and physically.

I'm sure that's true. It's very rude of me to compare myself, but I can't even update my blog every day. It would take me a lot of time to finish an illustration, even if I am familiar with it.

It is necessary to take a break, because you can't create something good unless you have not only time but also mental space. That's why I think he made a good decision this time.
I've heard that the site will be updated irregularly from now on, and that the illustrations that have been published so far can be used as they are, so I'll make use of them from time to time.
