Google Adsense deactivated.

As I wrote in my blog that I plugged Google Site Kit into word press last December, I disabled this plugin the other day.

The reason is simple: when you view a blog, ads are automatically displayed.
I find the ads annoying when reading articles.
Recently, advertisements have been placed in online articles by newspapers and publishers, but some of them are indistinguishable from the articles, and in some cases, I feel that there are more advertisements than articles.
In the past, many advertisements were placed in newspapers and magazines, occupying a considerable amount of space.

I think there are many people who write blogs for monetization.
For those people, Google Adsense can be a great help.
I will make great use of it when I start my own blog for monetization purposes.

I don't plan to monetize this blog for the time being, as it's just a memorandum, and it's hard to read when ads are placed in the middle of articles.
So I removed the Google Site Kit plugin this time.

Monetizing your blog by adding ads to it is like having an advertising billboard on your home.

Nowadays, the screen of a smartphone has become an advertising display.
Not so long ago, the slots for hanging and in-car posters on trains were filled with advertisements, but now they are quite noticeably empty.
Many people on the train look at their smartphones, so putting an ad on there would be more effective, especially if it's something they're interested in.

Since advertising is a major source of revenue for Google, the more advertising space they can secure for web content, the more advertising revenue they will receive.
The principle is probably the same as that of advertising space for TV programs with high viewership ratings.
People who are able to make a living from blogging are like those who make high rating shows.
I think they are thinking through how to get high ratings (and how to write articles that can be read by many people).

This blog goes in a completely different direction and I only write what I want to write, so suspending Google Adsense will not bother anyone or affect anything.
I think it's good that people who happen to see this blog will be able to read it with a clean, ad-free view.
