Here and Now, anchor to consciousness.

It is said that in order to live a meaningful life, which is not so long, it is necessary above all to live each moment with care.
It is easy to say that we should live well in the present moment, but in reality, it is quite difficult.
We tend to spend a lot of time worrying and fretting about the future that hasn't happened, or regretting things that have happened in the past.

Of course, there is something to be said for planning for the future, and there is nothing wrong with reminiscing about past events and feeling nostalgic, and if that makes you feel happy, it's good for your mental health.

However, human consciousness tends to be more pessimistic than optimistic, and negative emotions tend to snowball into bigger and bigger ones.
In order not to be dominated by such emotions, it is important to be aware of the here and now.

This is actually very difficult for an ordinary person living a normal life.
In Buddhism, there is Vipassana meditation. In Buddhism, there is Vipassana meditation, which is a meditation to "focus your awareness completely on the present moment," and it is also called "awareness meditation" because it is a meditation to become aware of "yourself here and now.

By labeling your emotions and actions and observing yourself objectively, you can clear your mind of distractions, become aware of yourself as you are, and focus your attention on the here and now.

With computers in the palm of our hands (smart phones), it has become the norm for our consciousness to be constantly directed towards unimportant things outside of "who we are" and "who we are here and now.

Smartphones are certainly convenient, but I think we also need to realize that we are depriving ourselves of precious time and a life that can only be experienced in the here and now.

I want to anchor myself in my consciousness and live each moment with great care.
