diary おかえりなさい 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly 5月25日から息子の小学校の卒業式に出席するためにセブに里帰りしていた妻を迎えに成田空港へ。 Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly
Life A short break (I left the company) At the end of September, I resigned from the company where I worked fo...
diary The first heavy snowfall in four years On Thursday afternoon, January 6th, the snow began to fall and gradual...
Cebu Small business my wife is considering. My wife said to me at dinner the other night, "Let's move to Cebu Isla...
politics I don't see any progress. The election campaign continues from the date of the June 23rd public ...
money New NISA account switched to SBI Securities The new NISA will begin next year.Compared to the previous NISA, the n...