marriage 夫婦円満、家事分担 2023-11-22 2023-11-22 Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly
philippine ”ぼんぼん”マルコス、新大統領に 5月9日にフィリピンで選挙が行われた。この日の選挙は大統領だけでなく州知事や市長などの選挙も実施されるという大規模なもの。 新しい大統領には...
travel How long will Japan's isolation last? As of February 10, foreigners visiting the Philippines for tourism can...
Cebu Demand for a raise in wages Yesterday, April 29, the 93rd Central May Day Convention organized by ...
diary Went for a routine physical examination. I went to the Kashiwa Health Checkup Clinic for my annual checkup.The ...