diary 明けましておめでとうございます。 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly 2024年が始まりました。 今年も良い年になりますように! Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly
Cebu Will next year be a good year for you? About half of Filipinos thought life would be better next year than it...
diary Cavities treated or repaired? I had been going to the dentist for several months.I was biting into a...
travel Get award tickets to Manila I am going to Cebu in November. The price for a direct flight from Nar...
diary 一度ならずも二度までも、これは買うなというお告げかもしれない。 以前から使っていたBose のcommpanion20 multimediaは新しいパソコンに接続しているので、録音部屋用の古いパソコン用に...
diary peaceful New Year's Day New Year's Day 2021 was a peaceful New Year's Day for me and my wife. ...