marriage 5年目の結婚記念日はスキー場で 2024-03-10 2024-03-10 Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly Facebook postはてブLINEPocketFeedly
diary I went to Hello Work. Since I reached the age of 65, I went to Hello Work (Employment Securi...
family I am happiest when I am with my family. The same survey by Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance, which I mentioned i...
diary Let's take the mask off! It has been two years since I found myself without a mask.It was Augus...
diary This year's rainy season started with rainy cold On June 6, the Kanto region entered the rainy season. Last year, the r...
Cebu Moving to a new country because the prices are cheaper is tough. The first thing people who are considering moving to Southeast Asia, i...
philippine Canned sardines might be in short supply. The Manila Times carried news of an impending shortage of sardines for...