When I search for a book I want to read on Amazon, they often recommend the Kindle version if the book is in e-book format.If it's a book you want to read immed...
The Balikbayan box that I sent to Cebu Island at the beginning of last month was delivered on December 11.Sagawa Express came to collect it in the evening of No...
The Sankei Shimbun's web edition carried an article about the increasing sales of hot-water toilet seats in the US. While the penetration rate of hot-water toil...
The first thing people who are considering moving to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, mention is the low cost of living.It is true that the salary lev...
November 22nd is "Good Couple's Day" in Japanese. There is no set definition of a newlywed, but it seems to be generally accepted that it is one to three years ...
Last Friday afternoon, I suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the next room. I peeked in to see what was going on and found a big hole in the wall.It seems t...
When you turn 65, I become a Category 1 insured person for long-term care insurance.Since they were insured under the second category, they were deducted togeth...
In the Philippines, Christmas begins in the Ber months.Ber months refers to the four months of September, October, November and December. But as expected, Septe...
It's not that I didn't have time, but I've been neglecting to update my blog. Sorry about that.This time, I'll look back on the past week as a reminder. On Octo...
Following last Friday, my wife and I went to Don Quijote yesterday to get some snacks to send to my family in Cebu.On Friday, I bought some ramen noodles, cup y...