About a month ago, my wifi was sometimes disconnected or abnormally slow.The wifi router I was using was bought when I started living in my current apartment, s...
ChatGPT has been talked about a lot on the net for a while now.So I decided to create an account and give it a try. I asked him if he understood Visayan. I aske...
This year's cherry blossoms bloomed in mid-March. Because of many days of low temperatures after that, the cherry trees were in full bloom in late March and fin...
It's tax filing season again this year.The filing period is from February 16 to March 15. Last year I filed my tax return on March 11, but this year I e-filed m...
Valentine's Day in the Philippines is a day when men give gifts to women. Last year I gave my wife a gift of blissed flowers, but this year I decided to go with...
I like collecting points that I get when I purchase goods and services because it is a good deal. The points I collect are familiar to me from the supermarket Y...
The condominium in which I live was completed in 1982, so it will soon be 41 years old.Just like human beings, buildings age and need periodic renovation work.I...
In response to the tightening demand for electricity, the government has launched a system that grants electricity-saving points to households and businesses th...
I went to the Kashiwa Health Checkup Clinic for my annual checkup.The checkup was to start at 12:30 p.m., but there was a delay due to a train colliding with a ...
My wife has heard from someone that in Japan people visit shrines and temples on New Year's Day, and she wants to go.We have not been to Hatsumode for several y...