Thinking about the future, I had long since decided to adopt my wife's child.If the child is a Japanese citizen, adopting the wife's stepchild is as easy as fil...
April 14, 1521 is a memorable day for Cebu and for the Philippines.Admiral Ferdinand Magellan, who was on his way to the Molucca Islands, baptized Rajah Humabon...
According to the "Gender Gap Report" released by the World Economic Forum, Japan ranks 120th out of 158 countries in the world in terms of the gender gap. The r...
From this year, April 1st has been designated as "Japanese Whiskey Day". When it comes to whiskey, Scotch, Irish, American, and Canadian are the most famous, an...
Spring in Japan means cherry blossoms.This year, the cherry blossoms are blooming early and are in full bloom. Last year was my wife's first spring in Japan, so...
It is said that in order to live a meaningful life, which is not so long, it is necessary above all to live each moment with care.It is easy to say that we shou...
The same survey by Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance, which I mentioned in the section on "What occupation do you want to have when you grow up," also asked about ...
Dai-ichi Life announced the results of an interesting survey.It was a survey of 3,000 elementary, junior high and high school students across Japan, asking them...
Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of the Philippines' strict curfew.With the economy in crisis, there had been speculation that the restrictions would b...
The other day I received a sealed envelope asking me to apply for my number card.。 The notification of my number arrived in 2015, and it was possible to make my...